INTERVIEW WITH Maximilian Feurstein and Ted Dontchev

How long have you been doing movies? How did you decide to start making movies?
It was a dream since childhood for both of us. We both did little fun projects individually before we met 2017 in film school. That is where we both decided to go after it in a serious way.
Why did you do this project?
We wrote this film specifically as our first film, so it was doable with a short shooting schedule and on a more limited budget. We found it an interesting challenge to write a story unfolding in a one location setting, with a limited cast and explore the character dynamics.
(If you can say). How much budget did you have to do this project?
Not much ;)
Was it self-funded or did you get budget/producers/investors?
Self-Funded, crowdfunding and private investors.
How long did it take from the initial idea to being able to release?
5 years, also due to COVID.
Are you happy with the result?
Yes. Considering the low budget, I think we exceeded all of our expectations. It is better than it has any right to be.
What phase is this project in right now? Are you in the initial phase of sending it to festivals, middle phase or finishing the circuit?
Middle Phase, ending the festival run by the end of the year.
How has your experience been with the festivals so far? Where do you think they should improve?
Maybe one thing: An acting nomination should go forward even if the film itself is not selected.
Normally, filmmakers use many references, favorite directors, favorite movies, etc. Were you inspired by any director or film? If so, tell us your references.
Tarantino is a big influence and I would also say the Coen Brothers.
We watched a lot of home invasion films from the last 50 years as preparation, with little easter eggs in the film.
Your favorite movie?
Maximilian: It is not always the same, it depends on the mood, but The Hateful Eight, is always on the list. Comedy wise it is Anchorman and The Interview.
Ted: It varies, I don’t wanna miss something. Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, The Big Lebowski. Those are the first three that came to mind.
Favorite series?
Maximilian: Well, I would say season 1-4 of Game of Thrones. But then quality dropped quite hard. Same with House of Cards after season 2. So as a whole (so far), even though it is anthology, I would say Fargo.
Ted: Similar, I would add Battlestar Galactica
Do you see yourself making movies in 5 years? Where do you see yourself?
Yes, of course. We have more stories to tell. In five years, we will hopefully done with post-production of our second film. Means that we are writing movie three or working on one of our series ideas.
Do you have any other project in mind?
Yes, we are right now writing a Giallo style slasher film with a heart of gold.
What do you ask for the future? (cinematographically speaking)
Getting proper funding for our next project.
Your best experience in a movie theater?
Watching our film with an audience. Hearing them laughing and gasping at the right moments. That was pretty cool.
Maximilian: As a viewer, probably watching Inglourious Basterds for the first time, I thought I will never see anything that good again.
Ted: The very first time watching the Matrix. There were a lot of impressed noises from the audience (and myself).