How long have you been doing movies? How did you decide to start making movies?
I made a short Stephen King adaptation in late December of 2022 into early January of 2023. That was first project. I enjoyed it and it went well, but I knew I could do better. So I shot two feature films in 2023, “Group” and “Immersion”, and wrote some additional screenplays as well.
I have always been a massive fan of film and the filmmaking process. The global pandemic forced much self-reflection. I decided if I was going to do this, it was now or never. So I went for it.
Why did you do this project?
I had an idea for a film, so I wrote the script. I loved the story and the concept, and I wanted to see it fully realized.
(If you can say). How much budget did you have to do this project?
I can say it was under $100,000.
Was it self-funded or did you get budget/producers/investors?
I had an investor for a large part of it, but the remainder and the equipment were funded by me.
How long did it take from the initial idea to being able to release?
It was a little over nine months from when I started the script to when the rough cut of the film was completed.
Are you happy with the result?
I am thrilled with the result. Everyone in the cast and crew was absolutely incredible. We planned meticulously and worked very hard and we were able to get it done. It is absolutely the film I envisioned and it is the story I wanted to tell.
What phase is this project in right now? Are you in the initial phase of sending it to festivals, middle phase or finishing the circuit?
We have really just begun submitting the film to festivals since the new year with some really incredible results so far.
How has your experience been with the festivals so far? Where do you think they should improve?
I have had nothing but wonderful experiences to this point. It is a wonderful, exciting and rewarding experience. And it’s always a joy to be around passionate people who are committed to the art.
Normally, filmmakers use many references, favorite directors, favorite movies, etc. Were you inspired by any director or film? If so, tell us your references.
I was definitely inspired by Tarantino, Altman, Lumet and Cassavetes were major influences in terms of the style and interpersonal character dynamics for Group. E.T.’s camera positioning played a huge factor in how I shot this film. I was also inspired by the tone of Michael Haneke’s films, particularly “The White Ribbon” and “Cache”. “Reservoir Dogs” and “My Dinner With Andre” were also huge inspirations.
Berlanga’s “The Executioner” was certainly an influence with using some uncomfortable and dark humor, and the claustrophobia of Bunuel’s “The Exterminating Angel” certainly played into my mind.
You can’t help but be influenced by the magnificent works of art you see.
Your favorite movie?
It’s a basic answer, but “The Godfather” is my favorite film of all time. I love many, many films but that’s my absolute favorite.
Favorite series?
Hard question! Comedy: “The Simpsons”. Limited: “The Haunting of Hill House”. Drama: “The Sopranos”
Do you see yourself making movies in 5 years? Where do you see yourself?
I desperately hope that my sole occupation is as a filmmaker. I hope to continue writing and directing my own films for as long as I possibly can.
Do you have any other project in mind?
I shot the film “Immersion” in 2023 after “Group”, and that film is moving toward post-production. Two of my projects are in development or pre-production, “Fetish” and “Sweetener”. I hope to make both of those films in the next 12 to 24 months.
What do you ask for the future? (cinematographically speaking)
I just want more movies that are genuine, honest and challenging. I think there is great beauty in simplicity and truth. It never fails to resonate if an artist is true to their vision.
Your best experience in a movie theater?
Seeing “Group” with an audience for the first time was sublime. Seeing your own work with a crowd is an unbeatable experience.